Gheorghe Borcan Engleză

Gheorghe Borcan
Gheorghe Borcan

        Born on 6 Jan 1950 to Romanian parents, Floarea Ion Borcan (formerly Mihăilă, 7th grade 1924-2013, Dobrești, Argeș) and Gheorghe Vasile Borcan (5th grade, 1912-2003, Dobrești, Argeș).
        I did the first eight classes in Dobrești. I was the prize winner of the class and the school even though he didn't have much time for lessons.
        During the summers during high school, 1965-1969, I worked as an unskilled worker on the restoration site of the Royal Court in Târgoviște, which had a particular impact on my education. During this period, I lived for about 1.5 years in a new building in the premises of the Royal Court in Târgoviște! After 1989, it was demolished, being on the site of the house of Metropolitan Dionisie Lupu rebuilt from the ground up and transformed into the Printing and Book Museum!
        In Mar - Sep 1975 I attended the Artillery Reserve Officers School, Bacău. In the end, we performed day shooting with direct sight guns caliber 76 mm and 85 mm. At night we fired indirectly with the 122 mm howitzer! Thus I could imagine the hell experienced by the Romanian soldier in the First World War who was forced to fight with the bayonet against the German 305 mm super howitzer. With a single shell fired from tens of km, it made a cloud of melange from a platoon of young Romanian soldiers who were disappointed and waited for days to hear a response from the Romanian guns which were rare and without projectiles!
        All of them are consequences of the government of the traitors nested after the arrest and exile of the great ruler Alexandru Ioan Cuza which, apart from the double Union (owed to his person), in the seven years of his reign he had unimaginable achievements for those times and those mentalities of the masters of clácasi and serfs!

Summary Education

        1. Master's degree in Grammars and Formal Languages, Compiler Construction Techniques, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Bucharest, 1973-1974, general average 10;
        2. Bachelor's degree at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, University of Bucharest, 1969-1973, general average 9.50;
        3. Ion Mihalache High School, Topoloveni, Argeș, 1965-1968, continued at Grigore Alexandrescu High School - Carabela, Târgoviște 1968-1969;
        4. General school of 8 classes, Dobrești, Argeș, 1957-1965, unique awardee every year.


        1. Mathematics;
        2. Grammars and Formal Languages;
        3. Compiler Construction Techniques;
        4. Mathematical modeling;
        5. Mathematical Modeling Languages: ALLO, AMPL, GAMS, LPL, GMPL;
        6. Programming in more than ten programming languages: Fortran, Visual Basic, Pascal, C, RTL, Cobol, Musil, Magiris, etc., and assembly languages: Asiris, Assembler and Macro 11;
        7. WEB languages: HTML, PHP, JavaScript;
        8. MS Access and MySQL databases, SQL, T-SQL-Server, RDL Reports and more;
        9. MS-Office;
        10. Image processing and standardization techniques;
        11. Operating Systems IRIS 50, RSX 11M, DOS, Window up to Vista;
        12. Software Creation;
        13. Creation of WEB pages;
        14. Publishing Bun de Tipar complete book including cover;
        15. Law with practice as a lawyer for about 5 years in all hierarchical courts: court, tribunal, court of appeal, ÎCCJ, Constitutional Court;
        16. Romanian and Universal History;
        17. Chess, Theory and Practice, Candidate for Master, Semi-final by country, League A by country with the team;


        In 1974, through the Government Department at country level, I was employed in the National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics - ICI, Bucharest. From January 1984, through competition, I held the position of Principal Scientific Researcher 3. Except for two periods I worked here until Dec 2004 when I was unfairly dismissed for the third time in 11 years, 1993-2004.
        From June 2008 to September 2010, I worked more as an unskilled worker in an industrial hall in Otopeni, where I was unfairly dismissed after saving the company from the temporary closure of the activity and sending dozens of workers into technical unemployment.
        From June 2013 to December 2014, I worked at the new headquarters in Otopeni of the Prosoft ++ company, from where I retired with a mockery pension for those who try to do their job in which they are qualified. Because of this, Romania was abandoned by about nine million of the most active and competent Romanians!
        In the ICI institute, as well as in supported work outside the normal working hours, I perfected myself professionally. I have worked under various operating systems on computers, minicomputers and PCs such as Felix C256, Independent 100, Coral, PDP11 and various PCs.
        I contributed decisively to three firsts in Informatics in the country, thanks to which I was admitted co-author to Vol 5 of the History of Informatics in Romania. It is a monumental work, due to the late university professor Marin Vlada who died prematurely in Sep 2021 after volume 5 had barely appeared!

Achievements, History of Romania Informatics

                                                                                              Vol. 5, pag. 503-513
        Decisive co-participation in three premiers in the country. In the conditions in which I was fired three times and for a period I did not have access to the PC. When they were kind enough to equip me, it was a poor PC286, with a Windows 3.1 and Windows 95 supported system, on which I worked until 2005. Meanwhile, some high schools in the country were equipped by the Ministry of Education and Research with PCs equipped with a processor Pentiums, bought without auction and at triple market prices:
        1. Co-participation in the creation and implementation of the first mathematical modeling language for linear optimization problems:
        1.1. I designed the mixed Polish form of the expression not yet analyzed by the Lexical-Syntactic Analyzer and which had to come out of its analysis;
        1.2. I designed the Output from Step 1 of the ALLO translator;
       1.3. We have fully designed and implemented Step 2 of the ALLO translator which consists of model execution, generation and translation to the MPS standard;
      1.4. We designed and implemented Version 1 of the ALLO language and translator in which we introduced 17 default functions that greatly increased the expressive power of the language. Thus in 1995 ALLO was in the top 7 existing modeling languages (and created by gifted teams left alone to work) in the majors of several super developed countries;
        2. The design and realization of the integrated SAMO modeling and optimization system, which integrates a text file editor, the ALLO Translator, the MPS Generator, the Solver that solves the problem, and the Result Visualization Component.
        The standard input to the Solver is the MPS file delivered by the ALLO Translator. The SAMO system knows when the file is correctly generated for the Solver to be activated. The solver came from a package of about 100 routines taken from cards running on the Felix C256. I parameterized it, adapted it, recompiled it and made it an executable task on Windows operating systems. Of course after overcoming the compilation errors given by a new compiler that we were able to bring for free that would be executable on Windows systems;
        3. Co-participation in modeling and solving the optimization problem of the production process in the CETSUD Bucharest thermal power plant. The problem has thousands of constraints (system matrix rows) and thousands of variables (system matrix columns). It was the first time to have a global view of the process and how each modeled object should be set to work optimally the same command. The modeling was hour by hour over a maximum period of 24 hours. Without ALLO and SAMO it would not have been possible to solve this problem and to have a priori a global vision of the process with its optimization;

Others Software Achievements

        1. For chess I created:
        1.1. By 1978, the first program in the country, on a microcomputer, which drew desired positions on the chessboard;
      1.2. A new PC program that easily draws desired and very good quality chessboard positions. With it I executed all the diagrams from the book The Miraculous Game of Chess;
        1.3. A game viewer from a PGN file containing multiple chess games.
        2. In the field of justice, we have created a database related to trials, date and place of hearings, summary of Conclusions / Sentences / Decisions. The database has management and query components through up-to-date reports for the future, etc.

Published Books

                                          (ESINB=Editura Sfântul Ierarh Nicolae, Brăila)
         1. Forța Destinului, Gheorghe Ghe. Borcan, ESINB, 2023, ISBN 978-606-30-4534-9;
        2. Forța Destinului sub Constelația Ultimei Șanse, Gheorghe Ghe. Borcan, ESINB, 2023, ISBN 978-606-30-4680-3;
        3. Româna, Regina Limbilor OMenirii, Gheorghe Ghe. Borcan, ESINB, 2022, ISBN 978-606-30-4230-0;
        4. Româna, Queen of Hu[O]Man Languages, Gheorghe Ghe. Borcan, ESINB, 2022, ISBN 978-606-30-4325-3;
       5. Contribuție la Istoria Informaticii Românești, V5, coordonator Marin Vlada, Ed. Matrix Rom, 2021, ISBN 978-606-25-0650-6. Despre trei premiere românești soft la care am contribuit circa 75% și descrise în articolul Limbajul ALLO și Sistemul SAMO, Gheorghe Ghe. Borcan, pag. 503-513;
        6. ALLO, SAMO Limbaj, Sistem Avansat pentru Modelare și Optimizare Lineară, Gheorghe Ghe. Borcan, Autor și Editor, București 2021, ISBN 978-973-0-33551-4, Ediția II-a 2023;
        7. Dumitru Anghel, Un OM între Oameni, Gheorghe Ghe. Borcan, Florin D. Anghel, Dumitru Anghel, Coautor și Editor, 2021, ISBN 978-973-0-34859-0;
        8. Comuna Dobrești, Argeș, Gheorghe Ghe. Borcan, Vasile T. Ionescu, ESINB, 2021, ISBN 978-606-30-3622-4;
        9. Legendele Satului Dobrești, Argeș, Gheorghe Ghe. Borcan, Ionel Bătrânu, ESINB, 2021, ISBN 978-606-30-3628-6;
        10. Miraculosul Joc de Șah, Gheorghe Ghe. Borcan, Autor și Editor, București 2021 Ediția I, ISBN 978-973-0-33750-1, Edițiile 2 și 3 în 2023;
        11. Miraculosul Joc Sudoku, Gheorghe Ghe. Borcan, Autor și Editor, București 2010, ISBN 978-973-0-08145-9, Ediția 2 în 2023. Este o premieră în țară la acea dată, deoarece conține istoria, modelul matematic de rezolvare în numere întregi și 288 probleme cu soluțiile lor, foarte multe la acea dată.
         Totodată am creat și forma Sudoku KeB, Engleză, 2010, accesibilă pe multiple dispozitive Kindle:;
        12. George Orwell, Ferma Animalelor, Traducere în Română - Regina Limbilor OMenirii, Traducători: Marin Ene, Gheorghe Ghe. Borcan, Alina Elena Pătrașcu, ESINB, PDF 2023, ISBN 978-606-30-4780-0;
        13. The Miraculous Sudoku, Gheorghe Ghe. Borcan, ESINB, PDF 2024, ISBN 978-606-30-4997-2.

An Extract from WEB Site-uri or Pages from

1. The Best Free Korean Historical Dramas;
2. GeomDAR, my YouTube channel. 100 Topics, access to about 3000 Videos;
3. Dargeom Site;  From the secondary pages of the site:
4. Over 10 Free Books most of which I am the author or co-author of;
5. Over 30 Very Important Free Chess Books;
6. Pages dedicated to Achievements related to ALLO and SAMO ROV / ENV ;
7. The Royal Court from Târgoviște;
8. Titi Teodorescu, Trees Reincarnated in Bucharest Circus Park.
9.Dobrești and GB Video CV 1;
10.Dobrești and GB Video CV 2;

17 Dec 2023, 17 Ian 2024     Gheorghe Ghe. Borcan